Thoughts & Sketches

Sketch – 27th April 2015

Sketch - Mel Cross

A sketch done on the train back from the ‘Fusion’ exhibition in London…

‘ We stand, we talk, the words float by,
they mean no-thing.
Our ears are closed, our minds are shut, our hearts are sealed…
The words float by,
they mean nothing….’

Sketches…. The sea

Sea 2 Sea & Life 2 Sea 1

I am obsessed with the Ocean.
I want to watch it,
breathe it,
be it.

We move through the blackened swells;
A line moving through time.
Our mark cuts through and then disappears into the timelessness of it all.
Our mark evident for only a moment,
then it is swallowed into eternity.

I sit and watch the horizon.
I wonder what is beyond.
The longing to disappear into the eternal horizon is so painful,
and the ache so deep,
I drown in it…