welcome to the online studio of Mel Cross

Hello and welcome to my online studio…

My new book ‘Is-Being – The Spiritual Evolution’ is now available to you.  It has been years in the creating and a lifetime in the making.  Please take a look and share it far and wide; it will reach those who need it, through the gentle ripple of your kindness.  Hoping you enjoy it and it inspires you to explore life.

My own path is now taking various unexpected, but exciting, twists and turns.  The creation of art is quietly burning in the background for the moment, but if anything emerges I’ll post it here in ‘sketches’.

Keep well and sending love, as always,

Mel x

‘There is beauty and Love to be found in both the darkness and the light…’

St Laurence Image - Shift Festival - Mel Cross



Contemplative images featured in the book, ‘Is-Being – The Spiritual Evolution’. Creating moments for reflection, to bring a flow of connection and understanding, through time spent in stillness.

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Creativity, Spirituality and Surrender

Creativity, Spirituality and Surrender

Moment by moment creative potential sits poised, ready to be brought into the physical.
Infinite potential; infinite possibilities.

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Behind the line

Behind the line

A selection of monochrome sketches, etchings and paintings which look at the sketchbook of thoughts and ideas that inform my practice.
“Behind every image there is an idea, a thought, a concept. There is experimentation, frustration, failure and success.
And then, a pure moment, when something is captured deliciously in a word, a brush stroke, a line…”

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Resonance – Series 1

Resonance – Series 1

Memories hang delicately between time; between form. These are captured intuitively in charcoal within St Mary’s Church, Painswick, photographed immediately, then rebuilt, layer by layer. From memory, into form.

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Being Human

Being Human

Behind our physical form we are layer upon layer of emotion and experience. The ‘Being Human’ series captures an emotion from a single moment in time, in a raw and unedited way. Each piece emerges without conscious intent using colour and simplicity of line to stir and connect to the viewer. It evolves through its own energy, its own momentum, with its own voice.

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